IMPAPIDTA - Import Api Data

The Import API data command imports API data from library or save file. Aperio backend consist following elements:

FrameworkConsist set of programs, commands and objects required to process communication to dispatcher. It contains also set of tools for RPG programmer.
ConfigConsists set of files witch store configuration of framework. For example definition of exit programs.
MetadataConsists set of files and objects required to save program interface (API metadata). Keeps also statistics or requrests.
ControlConsists set of files which store security infirmation about metadata.
NotificationsNot used. Consists set of files which are used to keep notifications messages, subscribed servers and all data required to send notification to the browser.

The importing process load chosen elements to the destination library. During importing process data are upgraded to destination version of aperio.

Following parameters are available for this command:

DATA_TYPEYSelection of Aperio elements to be imported. See data types for details
DEVICEYSpecifies the device used for the import operation. *LIB Save exported data into library, *SAVF Save exported data into save file.
SAVFFNSpecifies source savefile which contains objects to be imported.
LIB_FROMNSpecifies source library which contains the objects to be imported.
LIB_TOYSpecifies destination library where imported objects are copied to.
LIB_APIYSpecifies API framework library where all necessary objects to complete the import process reside. This is version reference library. By pointing it You can decide what version of API element should be created in destination library.
MODEYSpecifies whether imported data will replace entire existing data or only imported records will be replaced. For example: Someone exported only three methods from metadata to the savefile. During import he can use mode *UPDATE to replace only these three methods in destination metadata. The all aother methods will remain untouched. If he will choose *REPLACE mode then all methods wil be deleted in destination library anl only these three will be loaded to metadata.

NOTE: There are special set of methods defined for subset *APIBASE (Sequence 99). These methods are always refreshed diring import process, regardless of MODE parameter.

Data types

Following data types can be chossedn to import:

*IMPMETAImport metadata element only.
*IMPCTLImport control element only.
*IMPCFGImport configuration element only.
*IMPNOTImport notification element only.
*IMPALLImport all above Aperio elements.