INZAPIDTA - Initialize Api Data

The Initialize API data command pre-sets of all necesary API data in the destination library. Aperio backend consist following elements:

FrameworkConsist set of programs, commands and objects required to process communication to dispatcher. It contains also set of tools for RPG programmer.
ConfigConsists set of files witch store configuration of framework. For example definition of exit programs.
MetadataConsists set of files and objects required to save program interface (API metadata). Keeps also statistics or requrests.
ControlConsists set of files which store security infirmation about metadata.
NotificationsNot used. Consists set of files which are used to keep notifications messages, subscribed servers and all data required to send notification to the browser.

Following parameters are available for this command:

DATA_TYPEYSelection of Aperio elements to be initialized. See data types for details
LIB_TOYSpecifies destination library where data have to be initialized.
LIB_APIYSpecifies API framework library where all necessary objects to complete the iinitialize process reside. This is version reference library. By pointing it, You can decide what version of API element should be created in destination library.

Data types

Following data types can be chossedn to initialize:

*INZMETAInitialize only metadata element only.
*INZCTLInitialize only control element only.
*INZCFGInitialize configuration element only.
*INZNOTInitialize notification element only.
*INZALLInitialize all above Aperio elements.