UPGAPI - Upgrade API

Upgrade API data command automates upgrade API process. During the process API framework library is upgraded with objects extracted from the save file containing entire Aperio framework saved. The command also changes owner of all objects in framework library (by default to the owner already set for Framework library) and updates data in Metadata, Control, Configuration and Notification libraries (calling necessary conversion program(s)).

Following parameters are available for this command:

SAVFYSave file. Specifies the save file with Aperio framework library saved with SAVLIB command.
LIB_METAYMetadata library. Specifies library where metadata files reside.
LIB_CTLYControl library. Specifies library where control files reside.
LIB_CFGYConfiguration library. Specifies library where configuration files reside.
LIB_NOTYSpecifies library where notification files reside.
LIB_APIYAPI framework library. Specifies API framework library which is upgraded.
APIUSRPRFYAPI user profile. Specifies API user profile.

After calling UPGAPI command where only save file with API framework saved is provided (UPGAPI SAVF(IAF100AP)), values for other parameters (API framework, Metadata, Control, Configuration, Notification libraries and API user profile) are preloaded according to what is already setup in the current Aperio environment. These preloaded values can be changed if needed: