Approaches in integration with external APIs:
The following RPG procedures can be used to handle external API call:
You can use extApi() where the first mandatory parameter is API method name to complete the request or one of its equivalents (extApiGet(), extApiPost(), extApiPut() or extApiDelete()) for given HTTP method.
All the procedures contain url parameter which is also mandatory.
Other parameters (httpHeader and requestMsg) are optional.
It’s possible to specify HTTP header for given request in XML format. See Foundational HTTP functions at IBM Knowledge Center for a description of the header content.
There are some predefined constants in Aperio copy book which can be used to indicate that request body has content of given type.
Media type of the request body | Aperio copy book constant name | Value |
application/xml (usually for SOAP) | EXTAPI_HTTP_HEADER_XML | <httpHeader><header name="content-type" value="application/xml" /></httpHeader> |
application/json (usually for REST) | EXTAPI_HTTP_HEADER_JSON | <httpHeader><header name="content-type" value="application/json" /></httpHeader> |
text/plain | EXTAPI_HTTP_HEADER_TEXT | <httpHeader><header name="content-type" value="text/plain" /></httpHeader> |
Format and structure (e.g. XML or JSON) of request body depends on web service design and is specific to an external API.
All the procedures return response message data structure (see data structure description here). Format and structure of response.body depends on web service design and is specific to an external API.
See External API Procedures chapter for detailed information about parameters and return value from the procedures.
Below there are a couple of examples.
SOAP API based on test environment for VIES VAT number validation service via POST HTTP method
* copybooks
D url s 2048A varying
D httpHeader s 10240A varying
D requestMsg s 65535A varying
D response DS likeds(responseMsg_t)
url = '' +
httpHeader = '<httpHeader>' +
'<header name="content-type" value="application/xml"/>' +
requestMsg = '<s11:Envelope ' +
'xmlns:s11=''''>' +
'<s11:Body>' +
'<tns1:checkVat xmlns:tns1=' +
'''''>' +
'<tns1:countryCode>PL</tns1:countryCode>' +
'<tns1:vatNumber>100</tns1:vatNumber>' +
'</tns1:checkVat>' +
'</s11:Body>' +
response = extApiPost(url:httpHeader:requestMsg);
response data structure looks in the following way:
HTTPHEADER = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><httpHeader responseCode="200"><responseMessage>OK</responseMessage><header name="Transfer-Encoding" value="chunked"/><header name="HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE" value="HTTP/1.1 200 OK"/><header name="Server" value="Europa"/><header name="Content-Encoding" value="gzip"/><header name="Connection" value="Keep-Alive"/><header name="Date" value="Thu, 23 Jul 2020 09:14:47 GMT"/><header name="Content-Type" value="text/xml; charset=UTF-8"/></httpHeader>
BODY = <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""><soap:Body><checkVatResponse xmlns=""><countryCode>PL</countryCode><vatNumber>100</vatNumber><requestDate>2020-07-23+02:00</requestDate><valid>true</valid><name>John Doe</name><address>123 Main St, Anytown, UK</address></checkVatResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>
REST API based on JSONPlaceholder - fake online REST API for developers via GET HTTP method
* copybooks
D url s 2048A varying
D httpHeader s 10240A varying
D requestMsg s 65535A varying
D response DS likeds(responseMsg_t)
url = '';
httpHeader = '<httpHeader>' +
'<header name="content-type" value="application/json" />' +
response = extApiGet(url:httpHeader);
response data structure looks in the following way:
HTTPHEADER = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><httpHeader responseCode="200"><responseMessage>OK</responseMessage><header name="HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE" value="HTTP/1.1 200 OK"/><header name="Server" value="cloudflare"/><header name="X-Ratelimit-Reset" value="1595489434"/><header name="Etag" value="W/"124-yiKdLzqO5gfBrJFrcdJ8Yq0LGnU""/><header name="Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" value="true"/><header name="Content-Encoding" value="gzip"/><header name="Set-Cookie" value="__cfduid=d1c301749f8dc5a8f69dfbd9ace2299191595496472; expires=Sat, 22-Aug-20 09:27:52 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax"/><header name="Age" value="7049"/><header name="cf-request-id" value="041c99395a0000f2108baab200000001"/><header name="X-Powered-By" value="Express"/><header name="Content-Type" value="application/json; charset=utf-8"/><header name="Transfer-Encoding" value="chunked"/><header name="CF-RAY" value="5b745e3bcfeef210-ARN"/><header name="X-Ratelimit-Remaining" value="999"/><header name="X-Content-Type-Options" value="nosniff"/><header name="Connection" value="keep-alive"/><header name="Pragma" value="no-cache"/><header name="Date" value="Thu, 23 Jul 2020 10:16:02 GMT"/><header name="Via" value="1.1 vegur"/><header name="X-Ratelimit-Limit" value="1000"/><header name="CF-Cache-Status" value="HIT"/><header name="Cache-Control" value="max-age=43200"/><header name="Vary" value="Origin, Accept-Encoding"/><header name="Expires" value="-1"/><header name="Expect-CT" value="max-age=604800, report-uri="""/></httpHeader>
BODY = {
"userId": 1,
"id": 1,
"title": "sunt aut facere repellat provident occaecati excepturi optio reprehenderit",
"body": "quia et suscipit\nsuscipit recusandae consequuntur expedita et cum\nreprehenderit molestiae ut ut quas totam\nnostrum rerum est autem sunt rem eveniet architecto"