Aperio App forms are arranged into modules. A Module is a folder that contains Aperio Client HTML forms. Module folders are placed in /mods app subdirectory. Apps can use one or more modules. It is the app configuration file (modules property) that controls which modules and in what order are used by the app. Various module folders allow to arrange forms according to e.g. modification levels: base, country, customer etc. If the same form exists in more than one module, the one that is found first - according to the module list - will be loaded.
A module folder contains 3 subfolders:
Usually, each HTML form (the view) has a corresponding JavaScript file (the controller). An HTML form act as a view - it contains all the visual parts of the form (fields, buttons, tables etc), while the JS file defines the logic of the form (actions, events etc).
Example of Mobile Warehous app with two modules: base and a modification base-A.
Form modules