Table settings

The form table settings allow to configure the behaviour of form tables, mostly pagination.

Configuration file location

The base settings are configrued on Aperio Client level in the file:


The settings may be overridden on the app level:



The following properties may be configured:

PropertyDescriptionDefault (AperioClient)
paginationWhen true, tables will use paging, otherwise all the content (lines) will be displayedtrue
pageSizeThe page size - how many lines to display per page10
pageNumberCacheWhen true, the page number will be remembered for the table, otherwise the table will start always from the first pagetrue


Example of table.json file:

    "pagination": true,
    "pageSize"  : 10,
    "pageNumberCache"   : true

The configuration says:

  • table pagination is: on
  • pages size is: 10 lines
  • page number cache: on