The installation takes place on XT Server.
To start installation process you run .exe installation file on server or PC. You go through dialog boxes where you specify:
Default location for mobile apps is /XT/aperio folder.
At the end of installation process you can view readme .txt file (not always included) to find information how to activate and run already installed application.
Viewing readme file
Aperio and the APIs needed by the app must be installed on the IBMi server.
Make sure the app version, shown on the first page of the installation wizard is supported by the actual XT UI Server and DC1 versions. Please see specific information about the app you install.
After installing, the app must be activated in XT Admin.
Start XT Administration and go to the dispatcher configuration. The app is configured by adding relative path to folder where application resides (e.g. apps\mobilewarehouse\mwhs-dc1_11, absolute paths are also supported) into Active Aperio apps field:
Active Aperio apps
To make it running use apply option or restart XT dispatcher:
Apply option on XT Dispatcher
Note: generally, most of the app modifications (mods, app config etc.) are visible after reloading the app in the browser (F5 / Refresh). apply option or dispatcher restart is required only when changing the link to the app.
Link to the app follows [protocol]server_address:port/app_link pattern where:
App configuration contains more information about app config file.
Mobile Warehouse application has been configured for DEV111A dispatcher where port is 17111 (at locally installed XT Server).
app.json config file is as follows:
"title": "Mobile Warehouse",
"subtitle": "DC1",
"link": "/mw",
"modules": [
"base-A", "base"
"menu": "MWHM",
"version": "",
"browserReload": false,
"onSessionClose": "resourceRF.release"
So the link to application is localhost:17111/mw