This procedure gets limit value for paging. If limit was not received from client then defult value is taken. There is possibility for developer to establish own deault value in case limit was not sent in request. Optional entry parameter to procedure can overwrite the default value of Aperio.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
defaultLimit | 10U 0 | Optional | This parameter is used to pass default limit in case requect don’t contain limit in control section. |
The procedure returns limit value which was sent in control section of request. If the default parameter for limit can not be established, then 0 is returned.
xxLimit = ctlGetLimit();
// This line set xxLimit variable to value received from control
// section of request.
// If there is no Limit in request then it set xxLimit to 0.
xxLimit = ctlGetLimit(500);
// This line set xxLimit variable to value received from control
// section of request.
// If there is no Limit in request then it set xxLimit to 500.