
This procedure updates a resource under the specified URL through an HTTP PUT request by forwarding the request to a service from External API services file.

servicdId30AMandatorySpecifies the service from External API services file to complete the request.
destinationUrl2048A VARYINGOptionalRepresents the value which is concatenated with the url which stands behind given service id to create final url where request is sent.
httpHeader10240A VARYINGOptionalAn optional header XML document. To use the default HTTP header, do not pass the parameter or specify the empty string. See Foundational HTTP functions at IBM Knowledge Center for a description of the header content.
requestMsg65535A VARYINGOptionalSpecifies the data to update at the specified URL. This parameter is crucial for the POST and PUT methods - if it hasn’t been passed then the empty string request is sent.

Procedure returns response message data structure (see data structure description here).