
This procedure gets first child node if exist.

baseNode1024A VARYING, VARSIZEMandatoryThis parameter is used to pass base node. Currently following base nodes are supproted: “IptorAPI”, “method”, “params”, “messages”, “control”, “id”
node1024A VARYING, VARSIZEOptionalNode name. This parameter is optional. If the structure is more complex then nodes must be divided by colon “:”
existsNOptionalReturns *ON if child node exists, *OFF if child node does not exit

The procedure returns first child node name (1024A). If the child node does not exist then procedure returns *BLANKS.


xxNodeName =  reqGetFirstChildNode('params');

xxNodeName =  reqGetFirstChildNode('params': 'data');

xxNodeName =  reqGetFirstChildNode('params': 'data:orderInfo');

xxNodeName =  reqGetFirstChildNode('params': 'data': *IN20);