This procedure returns parameter value as UCS2 string.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
baseNode | 1024C VARYING, VARSIZE | Mandatory | This parameter is used to pass base node. Currently following base nodes are supproted: “IptorAPI”, “method”, “params”, “messages”, “control”, “id” |
node | 1024C VARYING, VARSIZE | Optional, can be omited | Node name. This parameter is optional. If the structure is more complex then nodes must be divided by colon “:” |
valueType | 1A | Optional, can be omited | Returns type of value (see types of value) |
exists | N | Optional, can be omited | Returns *ON if value exists, *OFF if value does not exit |
valuePtr | POINTER | Optional, can be omited | Returns pointer in memory where value resides |
valueLength | 10U 0 | Optional, can be omited | Returns length of value in bytes |
unescape | N | Optional | *ON or *OFF (Default = *ON) Indicates if value must be “unescaped” means removed ‘' escape character |
NOTE : The node strings are UCS2. The result value is also UCS2. The procedure returns value as UCS2 string even if the value is numeric (1024C). It is up to programmer to convert string to numeric later.
Types of value:
type | Description |
O | Object |
C | Character |
N | Numeric |
T | true |
F | false |
0 | null |
E | error |
BLANK | Value does not exist |
X_UCS2_SROM = reqGetUCS2Value(%UCS2('params'): %UCS2('warehouse'));
X_UCS2_SROM = reqGetUCS2Value(%UCS2('params'): %UCS2('warehouse'): xxValueType);
X_UCS2_SROM = reqGetUCS2Value(%UCS2('params'): %UCS2('warehouse'): xxvalueType : xxExist);
X_UCS2Text = reqGetUCS2Value(%UCS2('params'): %UCS2('myText'): *omit: *omit: *omit: *omit: *OFF);