TThis procedure adds Date value for existing field. The date is converted from numeric format YYYYMMDD to ISO standard format YYYY-MM-DD. Additionally it is possible to pass date and time and time zone in one go. Then the response value is ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM
Parameter | Type | Description | |
ptr | POINTER | Mandatory | Pointer to field |
date | 8P 0 | Mandatory | Numeric data velue in format YYYYMMDD |
time | 6P 0 | Optional | Numeric time value in format HH or HHMM or HHMMSS |
timeZone | 5P 0 | Optional | Numeric time shift in minutes |
The procedure returns pointer of field. If procedure can’t add field, then returns null.
xxPtr = respAddField('data': 'dispatchDate');
respAddDateValue(xxPtr: OLDTIM);
respAddDateValue(xxPtr: 20180628);
//This will add to response '2018-06-28'
respAddDateValue(xxPtr: 201806028: 124500);
//This will add to response '2018-06-28T12:45:00'
respAddDateValue(xxPtr: 201806028: 124500: 180);
//This will add to response '2018-06-28T12:45:00+03:00'
respAddDateValue(xxPtr: 201806028: 124533: -90);
//This will add to response '2018-06-28T12:45:33-01:30'
respAddDateValue(xxPtr: 201806028: 1245: -90);
//This will add to response '2018-06-28T12:45:00-01:30'
respAddDateValue(xxPtr: 201806028: 12: -90);
//This will add to response '2018-06-28T12:00:00-01:30'