
This procedure adds message to response.

msgType10AMandatoryType of message
messageId30A VARYING, VARSIZEMandatoryMessage Id
messageKey30A VARYING, VARSIZEMandatoryMessage key. For example field name or any other element which connects message with application
messageText11024A VARYING, VARSIZEMandatoryMessage text
messageText21024A VARYING, VARSIZEOptionalAdditional message text

Following message types are supported:

ERRORError message
WARNINGWarning message. This message needs to be confirmed by user
INFOInformational message. This message do not need to be confirmed nu user


respAddMessage('ERROR': 'FA1123': 'warehouse': 'Warehouse XXX does not exist.');

respAddMessage('WARNING': 'FA1124': 'price': 'Confirm price 1234.');

respAddMessage('INFO': 'FA1125': '': 'Order was creatred.');

respAddMessage('ERROR': 'FA1123': 'warehouse': 'Warehouse XXX does not exist.': 'Please enter other one');