
What is Aperio View?

Aperio View provides possibility to run mobile application inside XT Client. Mobile application is usually designed as a form based on JSON file (JForm). It responds to events on XT panel and receives input data from there. Main benefit is to extend XT panels with additional functionality served by API methods or external services and present the result in the extra panel, called Aperio View.

How to open Aperio view

Drop down main menu, select ‘Views’ and then ‘Aperio’:

Aperio view option

‘Aperio’ option is available only if dispatcher configuration at XT Admin holds the name of Aperio view links file(s):

Aperio view links files

Then Aperio View panel appears at right side of the window:

Aperio View panel

How does it work?

The Aperio view is connected with XT Client panel and refreshed based on events occurred at the panel. The following events are supported:

  • update: when field content is changed
  • selection: selection occurs in the table
  • load: form has been opened
  • focusout: field loses the focus (via Tab key or mouse click)

The user input or other values from XT Client panel can be passed as parameters to the Aperio view.

Sales info example

Sales info Aperio view is connected to the sales order line entry panel. User is filling in warehouse, item code, quantity, unit etc., and every time the tab key is pressed to jump between fields, the Aperio View is refreshed with information about item and its availability. User input on the order line panel is passed as parameters to the Aperio view. The more information is entered on the order line entry panel, the more detailed becomes the information in the Aperio view.

Sales info