Links definition XML

The strucutre of the configuration file

Aperio view links are defined in an .xml file which contains links between XT panels and Aperio view forms.

Explanation of configuration elements underneath <aperioviews> root element:

  • <view> - Aperio view element, attributes:

    • id - view identifier, static for now
    • path - path to Aperio mobile app
    • <aperioform> - define Aperio form element, attributes:

      • id - to clearly identify Aperio view form within <view> configuration element
      • name - name of the Aperio form served from Aperio mobile app
    • <link> - defines a link between XT form and Aperio form, attributes:

      • form - XT form id, usually corresponds with display file name which has been used to generate XT form
      • panels (optional) - list of panel combinations (panel ids comma separated) for which the link will be active, usually panel id corresponds with record format in display file
      • aperioform - id of the Aperio form defined by <aperioform> element
      • <param> - parameter element linking XT form field with Aperio parameter, attributes:

        • id - Aperio form input parameter name (destination)
        • field - XT panel field name (source). When table cell is used, use dot (.) to provide table_id.column_id
        • panel (optional) - XT panel id where the field is expected to be found
        • type (optional) - type of data: text, numeric, boolean (default = text)
      • <event> - specifies on what event Aperio form should be displayed/updated, attributes:

        • type - event type, the following types are supported:
          • selection - used in tables when selection is made on a table row
          • update - triggered when a value in the corresponding field has been changed and the field lost focus (by Tab key or click outside), requires field id
          • focusout - triggered when the field lost focus (by Tab key or click outside), requires field id
          • load - triggered when the XT form has been opened/loaded, no other attributes needed
        • field - id of the XT form field that is monitored for triggering the event
        • panel (optional) - XT panel where the field is expected to be found


    <view id="AperioView" path="/xtview">
        <aperioform id="MyAperioForm" name="MyAperioForm"/>
        <link form="DSPF" panels="RECFMT1,RECFMT2" aperioform="MyAperioForm">
	        <param id="aperioFormParam1" field="XTFIELD_ID" panel="XTPANEL_ID"/>			
	        <param id="aperioFormParam2" field="TABLE_ID.TABLE_COLUMN_ID"/>
	        <event type="selection" field="TABLE_ID"/>
	        <event type="update" field="XTFIELD_ID" panel="XTPANEL_ID"/>
	        <event type="focusout" field="XTFIELD_ID" panel="XTPANEL_ID"/>
	        <event type="load"/>