Aperio view links are defined in an .xml file which contains links between XT panels and Aperio view forms.
Explanation of configuration elements underneath <aperioviews> root element:
<view> - Aperio view element, attributes:
<aperioform> - define Aperio form element, attributes:
<link> - defines a link between XT form and Aperio form, attributes:
<param> - parameter element linking XT form field with Aperio parameter, attributes:
<event> - specifies on what event Aperio form should be displayed/updated, attributes:
<view id="AperioView" path="/xtview">
<aperioform id="MyAperioForm" name="MyAperioForm"/>
<link form="DSPF" panels="RECFMT1,RECFMT2" aperioform="MyAperioForm">
<param id="aperioFormParam1" field="XTFIELD_ID" panel="XTPANEL_ID"/>
<param id="aperioFormParam2" field="TABLE_ID.TABLE_COLUMN_ID"/>
<event type="selection" field="TABLE_ID"/>
<event type="update" field="XTFIELD_ID" panel="XTPANEL_ID"/>
<event type="focusout" field="XTFIELD_ID" panel="XTPANEL_ID"/>
<event type="load"/>